Dirección: Russell Street Cleveland QLD 4163
Ciudad: Brisbane
Website: clevelanddistrictshs.eq.edu.au
Número de estudiantes: 2.200
Prospectus del colegio: Cleveland Disctrict State High School brochure
Three reasons to choose Cleveland District State High School
- Excellence programs in Languages, the Arts and Bayside Sport Academy
- Accredited with Council of International Schools
- Ideal location with easy access to the Gold Coast, Sunshine Coast and beautiful North Stradbroke Island
Special programs
- International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (Years 10–12)
- International Baccalaureate Pamoja subjects offered online (fees apply)
- Excellence programs in creative arts, languages and Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)
- Excellence programs in football, volleyball, basketball and touch football
- Language Centre of Excellence
- Confucius classroom
- Marine science
- Agriculture, animal husbandry
- Film and new media
- Individualised English as a Second Language (ESL) tutoring
- Science research and technology
- Sport officiating
- Certificate III Aviation Skills (drone technology – external provider)
- Certificate in Fitness
Extracurricular activities
- Educational, cultural and sporting tours to Europe, USA, Vanuatu, Vietnam, Japan and Lady Elliot Island (Years 10–12)
- Choir, drama club and dance teams
- Sixteen instrumental musical ensembles, from beginner to advanced
- Debating and public speaking
- Photography and media club
- Surf lessons (1/term)
- Cairns and Melbourne adventure trips
School facilities
- Gymnasium
- School farm
- Football (soccer) fields
- Creative arts precinct
- Industry standard film/media facilities
- Industry standard dance, drama and music resources
- Multipurpose sporting hall
Tertiary pathways
Griffith University, University of Queensland and Queensland University of Technology (early admission and enrolment)
- French
- Japanese
- Chinese (Mandarin)
- Jandai (Indigenous languages – junior school)