Dirección: Investigator Drive Robina QLD 4226
Ciudad: Gold Coast
Website: robinashs.eq.edu.au
Número de estudiantes: 1.600
Prospectus del colegio: Robina State High School brochure
Three reasons to choose Robina State High School
- Specialist programs for golf, futsal and baseball
- Three full-time international staff members
- Excellent English as an Additional Language/Dialect (EAL/D) support with qualified tutors
Special programs
- Baseball Academy (Years 7–12)
- Golf Academy (Years 7–12)
- Football Academy (futsal and soccer) (Years 7–12)
- Triathlon Academy (Years 7–12)
- Netball Academy (Years 7–12)
- Drama Excellence and dance troupe (Years 7–12)
- Instrumental music (Years 7–12)
- Japanese immersion (Years 7–9)
- Visual arts (Years 7–12)
- Environmental science, marine studies, film and television courses (Years 10–12)
- Fitness and hospitality programs (Years 10–12)
- English as an additional language/dialect (EAL/D) (Years 11–12)
Extracurricular activities
- Clubs: debating, volunteering, sustainability, taiko
- Bands: concert, stage, strings, percussion and brass
- International Learn-to-surf program
- Camps: marine studies, biology, ski trip, leadership
- International camps to Byron Bay, Brisbane, Sydney and the Great Barrier Reef
School facilities
- Performing arts centre
- Sports centre
- Fitness training gym
- Technology laboratories
- Baseball field
- Golf range and practice facilities
- Dance studio
- Graphics and woodwork rooms
- Catering kitchens
- Photography darkroom, professional greenscreen and film editing suite
- Marine aquaculture area
- Japanese tatami room
- High tech centre
Tertiary pathways
- GUESTS program, Griffith Business or Engineering Course, Griffith University
- Start QUT, Queensland University of Technology
- Student for a Semester, Bond University
- Headstart program, Southern Cross University
- Japanese (face-to-face on campus)
- Other languages via distance education are supported at school